Review: Jack the Ripper: 100 Years of Investigation

Frank Spiering
Prince Jack: The True Story of Jack the Ripper.
Jove. 1978. 222p. ISBN 0-515-05496-8. paperback. $2.25.


Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 10:05:46 -0400
From: Michael Rogers

As you can deduce from the title this very seriously proposes that the Ripper was Prince Eddy, but its being the "True Story" is doubtful. Spiering makes a good case, but other investigators' evidence, such as Eddy being out of the country when some of the killings took place pretty much shoots holes in his argument. Regardless of whether you buy onto his argument, it's still a fun book to read. It also has lots of Eddy photos. Unfortunately its out of print but libraries may have a copy.

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